Standards in development
Find out which New Zealand and joint Australian/New Zealand standards are being developed
Standards New Zealand regularly manages the development of standards, including reviews of aged standards. A number of standards will be in development at any given time.
For a complete list of New Zealand and joint Australian/New Zealand standards that are under development, please download the work programme below. You can use the dropdown option at the top of the ’Sector’ column to view only those items under the sector of your choice.
If you have a question about any of the standards that are currently under development, please email
Standards development work programme - May 2024 [XLSX, 51 KB]
Stages of standards development
Standards under development may be at the following different stages:
- Project approval: We take steps to ensure that funding is in place and that the objectives of the project are clear.
- Project set up: We organise the committee that will draft the standard, and agree on timelines and scope.
- Drafting: This is usually the longest stage in development, where the standard is drafted, revised or tested by the committee.
- Public comment: This is the stage where you can have your say on completed drafts of standards.
- Balloting: After feedback has been received and considered, the committee members vote to approve or not approve the draft standard.
- Publication: At this stage, the final approved draft undergoes professional editing to make it ready for use.
Learn more about the development process:
How standards are developed(external link)
Have your say on drafts and aged standards
Some standards are currently open for public comment. If a standard is of interest to you, you can have your say on its draft.
Comment on draft standards(external link)
Standards New Zealand also constantly reviews ‘aged standards’ that are more than 10 years old to ensure they are fit for purpose. If an aged standard of interest to you is under review, you can have your say:
Review of aged standards(external link)
Keep up to date
You can be notified on new or under review standards, or those within your sector of choice, via 'Keep me up to date'. Creating an account with us is free.
For regular notifications on a standard:
- Log in to your account on our website.
- Search for the standard you are interested in.
- Select the ‘Keep me up to date’ option and set up your notification settings.
Our notifications will inform you on key points of that standard’s progress, including publication. Subscribe to Touchstone to receive our enewsletter every other month.
Last updated: 20 March 2024