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This public consultation process is called public comment. All comments submitted during this (nominal 8 week) period are reviewed by the technical committee and where deemed appropriate, the standard is modified.

Drafts can be downloaded free from our website or online consultation hub(external link)  as applicable. Search for draft standards by entering a keyword, a standard number, or an industry sector (such as electrical) in the search box. Draft standards have ‘DR’ at the beginning of their title for joint Australia/New Zealand drafts, and ‘DZ’ for New Zealand drafts.

New Zealand draft standards out for public comment

Please note that we will be facilitating many of our future New Zealand secretariat standards consultations on our online consultation hub(external link).  The hub, hosted on Citizen Space by Delib allows you to find and have your say on consultations that interest you.

Joint Australian/ New Zealand draft standards out for public comment

Please note, Standards Australia provides secretariat services for most joint standards except for those under EL-002, EL-036 and QR-012 committees. Comments on draft joint standards should be submitted to Standards Australia and appropriate links and instructions are available with each draft posted on our website. Further Instructions and examples of comment submissions are available here.

 Standards Australia(external link)

Get notified of standards out for public comment

If you would like to be notified when New Zealand and joint Australian/New Zealand standards are out for public comment, subscribe to our free ‘Keep me up to date(external link)’ email subscription service (choose 'Log in' and 'Create free account').


Last updated: 8 May 2023