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ISO/TS 22117:2010

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Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Specific requirements and guidance for proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison

ISO/TS 22117:2010 gives requirements and guidance for the organization of proficiency testing schemes for microbiological examinations of: a) food and beverages; b) animal feeding stuffs; c) food production environments and food handling; d) primary production stages.

ISO/TS 22117:2010 is also potentially applicable to the microbiological examination of water where water is either used in food production or is regarded as a food in national legislation.

ISO/TS 22117:2010 relates to the technical organization and the implementation of proficiency testing schemes, as well as the statistical treatment of the results of microbiological examinations.

ISO/TS 22117:2010 is designed for use with ISO/IEC 17043 and ISO 13528, and deals only with areas where specific or additional details are necessary for proficiency testing schemes dealing with microbiological analyses for the areas specified in the first paragraph.

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Pages: 28

ISO/TS 22117:2010

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ISO/TS 22117:2010

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