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DD CEN/TS 15945:2011

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Packaging. Ease of opening. Criteria and test methods for evaluating consumer packaging

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Pages: 20

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Similar Standards

  • AS/NZS 3833:2007

    The storage and handling of mixed classes of dangerous goods, in packages and intermediate bulk containers

  • BS 4672-1:1971

    Guide to hazards in the transport and storage of packages, Climatic hazards

  • BS 4672-2:1971

    Guide to hazards in the transport and storage of packages., Climatic hazards (maps and diagrams)

  • BS 6720:1986

    Specification for marking transit information on packages for distribution

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DD CEN/TS 15945:2011

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$267.73 NZD
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DD CEN/TS 15945:2011

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