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AS/NZS 4645.2:2018

Current Date published:

Gas distribution networks - Part 2: Steel pipe systems

Provides for the protection of the general public, gas distribution network operating personnel and the environment, and to ensure safe and reliable operation of gas distribution networks that reticulate gas to consumers. This standard covers steel piping within gas distribution networks covered by AS/NZS 4645.1, where the maximum allowable operating pressures up to or equal to 1050 kPa and the hoop stress is less than or equal to 20% SMYS of the pipe.

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AS/NZS 4645.2:2018

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Online library subscriptions provide a cost-effective solution for organisations of any size to access the latest standards, offering 24/7 access to a personalised catalogue. The service ensures subscribers have have the most up-to-date version of selected standards, incluing automatic updates for any amendments or versions. Pricing is dependent on the chosen standards and the number of concurrent users, with discounts applied from the standards PDF price. For customised subscriptions or further inquiries, contact the Online Library team.

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AS/NZS 4645.2:2018

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