Sign language translation of the summary of DZ 4514
For the first time, a sign language translation is available for a standard that's open for public comment.

For the first time, a sign language translation is available for a standard that's open for public comment.
NZS 4514: 2009 sets out the requirements for the installation and commissioning of the externally-powered interconnected smoke alarms. It also provides information on the selection, installation, and maintenance of smoke alarms. This sign language translation is a summary of the content of the draft revision of NZS 4514 - DZ 4514.
You can view the video at this link(external link)
This revision of NZS 4514:2009 Interconnected smoke alarms for houses is a partial technical revision and supersedes NZS 4514:2009.
- Allowance has been made for long-life batteries and wirelessly interconnected smoke alarms.
- Changes have been made for ceilings with exposed framing members.
- Testing requirements have been simplified.
- The appendices have been edited and updated to provide more clarity and guidance on the selection and location of smoke alarms.
- Provisions for visual/tactile alerting for those who are deaf/hard of hearing have been added.
The draft is available for public comment for a period of eight weeks. This sign language translation of DZ 4514 will be distributed through relevant channels accessible to the Deaf community. All comments submitted during this period will be reviewed by the standards development committee before the standard is balloted on.
Closing date for comments for the New Zealand draft standard is 27 November 2020.