A snapshot of the year in review
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Standards New Zealand's aim is to be recognised as a world-leading and innovative national standards body that safeguards market fairness and integrity, contributes to New Zealand economic prosperity, and helps protect people and the environment.
Growing value for New Zealand
Building and construction
Developed and published several new and revised and updated standards widely used in the building and construction sector. See Appendix B for more detail.

Reviewed international standards related to energy efficiency and energy safety. Developed and published standards and guidelines in the areas of energy demand flexibility, electric vehicle charging, and decarbonisation.

NZS 8134 Ngā paerewa Health and disability services standard came into effect on 28 February.

Primary industries
In partnership with DairyNZ, initiated the revision of NZS 8100 Dairy herd testing. Published NZS 8409 Management of agrichemicals and AS/NZS 4708 Sustainable forest management, as well as other AS/NZS standards relating to farm equipment.

Published NZS 5433 Transport of dangerous goods on land and AS/NZS 2658 LP Gas – Portable and mobile appliances. Accepted a commission to develop a publicly available specification (voluntary guidelines) to support the uptake of electric vehicles and futureproof the charging network. Also accepted Waka Kotahi NZTA’s commission to initiate the revision of NZS 5446 Heavy vehicle towing connections – Drawbeams and drawbars, which is expected to take up to 12 months and be published mid-2023.

Digital and data
The digital reader pilot saw five New Zealand standards, from several sectors, published in digital format. 1000 people accessed these digital editions during the pilot, with 80% of participants keen to see more standards in this format. Standards New Zealand’s goal is to produce and publish digital editions in multiple formats for all standards content, and to provide seamless access from its website.

Education and information
Produced five sector specific newsletters, six Touchstone newsletters and 104 ‘Keep me up to date’ notifications. Led three forums, co-facilitated three forums with the Department of Internal Affairs/Te Tari Taiwhenua, and attended two priority-sector conference exhibitions. Collaborated with the Government Regulatory Practice Initiative (G-Reg) team on conversations between regulators for local and central government video.

Facilitated participation in and observation of the work of 212 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and 124 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) committees. Saw 39 new ISO and IEC committee members approved by the Standards Approval Board. This work is important because it enables New Zealand to understand and influence the development of relevant international standards that affect New Zealand’s interests (for example, international trade and market access).

Supporting the response to a shifting environment
Standards New Zealand is contributing to the Building for Climate Change (BfCC) programme by developing standards that place greater emphasis on the shifting environment, weather changes, natural hazard mitigation and use of new technologies and materials.
A recent revision, NZS 4431 Engineered fill construction for lightweight structures, incorporates 30 years of lessons alongside considerations for an increased risks of slips, subsidence, creep and erosion.
NZS 3404 Steel structures standard, meanwhile, is currently being revised and will integrate 25 years’ worth of potentially life-saving learnings in seismic engineering to inform the construction of high-rise buildings and bridges nationwide.
The building and construction industry is a critical part of the economy and society, and climate change and the environment are major priorities for Government and all New Zealanders, so this area of standards development work will remain a key focus for Standards New Zealand.